Title : Rising Acrylic on canvas 2019 This painting explores the ideas of rebirth and resilience after experiencing times of trauma. 30inx24in Title : My IUD Implant Acrylic and Multi media Collage 2023 This collage was created to explore what it feels like to be exposed on a gynecologists table . 10inx10in Title; Crawling Under My Skin Mixed media collage , acrylic on canvas This painting is about the feeling of anxiety and crawling in your skin. 2024 20in x 16in Title : Creation Oil pastel, Ink and Acrylic paint 2023 The drawing is a representation of the feminine power of creation. Women are creative , life giving and passionate beings that radiate beauty. 18inx24in Title : Alienation Of The Body Charcoal and Oil Pastel 2023 This drawing in oil pastel is a representation of the constant feeling of alienation of ones body that many feminine people experience. 18inx24in Title: The Fire in His Eyes Soft and Oil Pastel 2023 18inx24in Title: Flow Terracotta clay 2023 8inx2in Title: Earthly Womb Acrylic paint and clay 2023 This sculpture is about the relationship between the treatment of the Earth's environment and the treatment of women's bodies . 6inx6in Title; Blood Money Mixed Media 2024 This piece is about the experience of many homeless and impoverished people who don’t have access to sanitary period products. Instead they have to use fabric or even in the worst cases trash. I am highlighting the irony of the wealth that’s associated with chandeliers and the human medical necessity of tampons . Tampons aren’t luxury goods they’re a human right . 3ft x 1.5ft Title; Connection lost Mixed Media, Molds of old dialing phone and burnt letters 2023 This piece is about the evolving and decaying communication system of the modern day. 15in x16 in Title; We All Dissolve Mixed media, 3,000 matches, drift wood and mirror This piece is about the value of the impermanence of life . Everything ends and that makes everything that much more precious. 2024 10inx8in Title; The Lonely Piano Acrylic on canvas This painting is exploring the relationship of a piano and its pianist. The absence of life while it sits waiting to be played. 2023 20in x20 in Title; As She Stares Conte on paper 18in x24in 2023 Title; Divine Feminine Acrylic on canvas This painting is telling the story of the development of what femininity looks like throughout time. Old symbols of femininity stand behind the famous drag queen Divine. Divine symbolized the modern ways that femininity has developed. 2023 20in x16in View fullsize Title; Her Inner World Mixed media Clay , beads and a diffuser This sculpture is about the various creative forces that stem from our inner child. These characteristics of children such as their natural capacity for wisdom, sadness and joy are immensely inspiring to me. They have a natural zest for life that’s truly inspiring. 2023 6in x 4 in View fullsize